I started Parsha with Chana to see if I could finish a project. It was to write a Dvar Torah [Torah thought] on every single parsha throughout the year. My hope had been for all of them to be comprised of original content, but that did not end up happening. Some are of higher quality and some are of lower quality but the fact is- I did it! I finished something! I wrote a Dvar Torah on every single parsha we read this year. They’re all linked below.
(Heshy thinks I should edit them and publish them, but I’m skeptical. There are so many parsha books out there; would anyone want this? Feel free to let me know your take.)
What happens next/ what will I do for this upcoming cycle? Stay tuned to find out.
Congrats! That IS a real accomplishment! As for the publishing question: I've also heard that parashah books are the least exciting genre. At minimum, you'd probably have to have some sort of angle (e.g. Rabbi Sacks's parashah books, each of which focuses on specific themes: ethics, leadership, life-changing ideas, etc.). On the other hand, you could always publish it as an e-book, just to get it out there to Kindle users. I have no idea what the costs are for doing that, but my friend, Jessie Fischbein, has taken that route on several occasions.